The Taking of Christ (Kiss of Judas) Painting by Caravaggio 8x10" Art Print
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Own a powerful Baroque masterpiece with this 8x10" art print of The Taking of Christ, also known as The Kiss of Judas, painted by Caravaggio. This intense scene captures the dramatic moment of Jesus' betrayal, illuminated by Caravaggio’s striking use of chiaroscuro and masterful composition.
Printed on premium paper, this high-quality reproduction preserves the haunting beauty and intricate details of the original painting. A perfect choice for collectors of religious art, Caravaggio enthusiasts, and those fascinated by powerful storytelling in art, The Taking of Christ makes a bold statement in any setting.
Printed on premium paper, this high-quality reproduction preserves the haunting beauty and intricate details of the original painting. A perfect choice for collectors of religious art, Caravaggio enthusiasts, and those fascinated by powerful storytelling in art, The Taking of Christ makes a bold statement in any setting.
We include a gospel card, tract or similar with each order.
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The Taking of Christ (Kiss of Judas) Painting by Caravaggio 8x10" Art Print