Alice in Wonderland Painting by George Dunlop Leslie 8x10" Art Print
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This painting was first exhibited by George Dunlop Leslie at the Royal Academy in 1879, listed as no. 72. It depicts a mother seated on a sofa, reading Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to her young daughter, who is nestled closely beside her, captivated by the story. Carroll’s novel, first published in 1865, became an instant favorite. The child in the painting is clearly based on Leslie's eldest daughter, Alice, born in 1872, making her seven years old at the time. The mother figure is likely modeled after Leslie's wife, Lydia Fenwick. Alice is dressed in a light blue dress with a white pinafore, while her mother is wearing a tan day dress with buttons down the front and a bustle at the back.
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Alice in Wonderland Painting by George Dunlop Leslie 8x10" Art Print